About Us

Shafy Advanced Trading Co.

Lifetime Caring

Specialized company in the field of nutraceuticals, cosmetics, health products, and medical devices. Our aim is to help people be healthy by providing society with high-quality and unique products which serve our customers through a professional well-trained team with high ethical criteria that impact on society.

our mission

Our Mission & Vision & Goal


Unique creative approaches with the highest standards of quality which will thus be reflected in an impactful difference for shareholders, customers, and society within a win-win relationship.


We are a marketing-driven organization that produces high-quality products, and we aspire to represent an ethical model for a nutraceutical company and reach the destination in the industry in the Saudi Arabian market.


We are committed to providing our community with the latest, ever-evolving solutions. By partnering with the best drug manufacturers and developers around the world.

Our Values

we are guided by our values, and we believe that living our values creates long-term benefits for shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and the communities we serve; living our values leads us to reach our core objective in achieving sustainable business development.


Creative leadership is a philosophy and act, we inspire growth and innovation through learning and bold actions. We consider change as an opportunity to grow and unleash the courage, collaboration, and creativity of our team members.


We are proud to consider quality as a main aspect of our business. We pursue the highest standards in quality, compliance, safety, and performance.


Everyone is striving to go beyond average. We seek excellence in areas that really matter and spread enthusiasm in everything we do.


We aim to build an exceptional relationship with our customers based on care, respect, and trust to achieve the needed results.


What is considered a challenge by others, is an opportunity for us. We see it as a kick-off for an endless ambition.


We believe that showing integrity means having a set of principles and moral standards understanding what the right thing is to do and then applying that in our work every day.


Building trust through the sharing of all business information and allowing continuous dialogue with our stakeholders.


we are committed to acting responsibly as individuals and as a whole towards our community, ourselves, and the environment.